@lena.4166 - Feb 06, 25 03:39 PM - New York, NY
Just finished a workout, feeling energized! #

@liz - Feb 06, 25 03:39 PM - Agoura Hills, CA
Lobsters are very expensive. #expensive

@lima - Feb 06, 25 03:36 PM - Los Angeles, CA
Just finished a delicious homemade pizza! #pizza

@emily - Feb 06, 25 03:34 PM - Seattle, WA
A nasty prison warden got a taste of his own medicine when he was thrown in jail. #Treatothersnice

@santiago - Feb 06, 25 03:34 PM - Mexicali, Baja California
Sus argumentos son confusos y no los comprendo. #Good-Saturday

@caleb.4805 - Feb 06, 25 03:34 PM - Nashville, TN
Taking a walk in the sunshine, soaking up the vitamin D. #

@santiago - Feb 06, 25 03:33 PM - Mexicali, Baja California
Qué altura tiene el monte blanco. #blanco

@marcrider - Feb 06, 25 03:32 PM - Boston, MA
I've decided to break it off with her. #decided

@burrito - Feb 06, 25 03:31 PM - USA
El cristal se raya fácilmente. #fácilmente

@world - Feb 06, 25 03:30 PM - USA
She was always practicing the piano. #practicing

@emily.4047 - Feb 06, 25 03:30 PM - Seattle, WA
Would you help me with this? #help

@brookbush - Feb 06, 25 03:26 PM - Los Angeles, CA
I love playing and watching foodball that's my favorite sport to watch my favorite sport to play. #watching

@world - Feb 06, 25 03:26 PM - USA
It's Monday today. #MondayMorning

@ddi5 - Feb 06, 25 03:24 PM - Baton Rouge, LA
Hello everyone this is your daily dose of Internet this Crow fell in the water and was starting to drown the bear grabbed the crow and brought it back on land. #BeerSavesBird

@mrbeastparody - Feb 06, 25 03:22 PM - USA
Dog tired after a brisk morning walk with my furry friend. So worth it for the happy tail wags #

@harry - Feb 06, 25 03:22 PM - Calabasas, CA
Run, leave, and work. #work

@tech.5755 - Feb 06, 25 03:21 PM - USA
Going for a walk its a beautiful day #eveningwalk #

@x.4992 - Feb 06, 25 03:20 PM - Agoura Hills, CA
Enjoying evening walk #Evening #

@0x0000 - Feb 06, 25 03:19 PM - Agoura Hills, CA
I'm so hungry. #hungry

@emily - Feb 06, 25 03:19 PM - Seattle, WA
Don't want to rain on your parade but I think you've made a huge mistake in your thesis. #mistake

@sleepinglady - Feb 06, 25 03:19 PM - Nevada City, CA
I'm going to study this afternoon so I'm ready for tomorrow's meeting. #study

@kathy.6312 - Feb 06, 25 03:19 PM - Calabasas, CA
Losing that job was a blessing in disguise. #disguise

@loren - Feb 06, 25 03:19 PM - Agoura Hills, CA
I live in an apartment. #apartment

@steve.6764 - Feb 06, 25 03:18 PM - Boston, MA
Did you pick up on his nervousness. #nervousness

@emily.4047 - Feb 06, 25 03:17 PM - Seattle, WA
The government’s pledge to increase health funding by 100000,000 is a drop in the ocean compared to the billions that need to be spent. #governments

@world - Feb 06, 25 03:16 PM - USA
Barking dogs seldom bite. #InternationalDogDay

@pehosepehopehomit - Feb 06, 25 03:15 PM - Petaling Jaya, Selangor
Kemaker rasa pengacara larangan. Mereka elha.. #pengacara

@liz - Feb 06, 25 03:15 PM - Agoura Hills, CA
The most common bell peppers are green, red, or yellow. #peppers

@world - Feb 06, 25 03:15 PM - USA
Cleaning my apartment and bathroom. #Cleaning

@lima - Feb 06, 25 03:14 PM - Los Angeles, CA
Just finished a challenging puzzle, feeling accomplished! #puzzles

@world - Feb 06, 25 03:09 PM - USA
Go away! #away

@steve.6764 - Feb 06, 25 03:07 PM - Boston, MA
He has the ability to bring forth new ideas when they are needed. #ideas

@world - Feb 06, 25 03:06 PM - USA
Testing testing. #testing

@pehosepehopehomitlo - Feb 06, 25 03:02 PM - Petaling Jaya, Selangor
Atau solehah aku saya takut lah kata kepala I, call Maria aku geram.. #solehah

@santiago - Feb 06, 25 03:01 PM - Mexicali, Baja California
Las tropas de asalto llevan un uniforme cómodo. #uniforme

@world - Feb 06, 25 02:59 PM - USA
He has a nice personality. #BidenIsADisgrace

@pehosepehopehomitlo - Feb 06, 25 02:57 PM - Petaling Jaya, Selangor
Ha ha jaga ya apa hal jaga tak apa Aisah ya-ya ya-ya main kau nak main mana itu assalamualaikum apa kita menanam nama awak.. #assalamualaikum

@emily - Feb 06, 25 02:55 PM - Seattle, WA
I'm not going to beat around the bush I hate your boyfriend. #boyfriend

@liz - Feb 06, 25 02:55 PM - Agoura Hills, CA
With a cellular phone you can make calls from almost anywhere. #anywhere

@liz - Feb 06, 25 02:53 PM - Agoura Hills, CA
My cat likes to take a nap in the afternoon. #catlikes

@logan.5417 - Feb 06, 25 02:50 PM - Denver, CO
Just finished a challenging puzzle, feeling accomplished! #

@kelleyferro - Feb 06, 25 02:50 PM - Princeton, NJ
I've been actually quite impressed with the food selection onboard - they have a lot of options they even always have a healthy option of every meal. #onboardmeal

@emma.9233 - Feb 06, 25 02:49 PM - Phoenix, AZ
Good food. #food

@emily - Feb 06, 25 02:49 PM - Seattle, WA
Eat up your dinner! #dinner

@publicfigure - Feb 06, 25 02:49 PM - USA
Public figure #

@marcrider - Feb 06, 25 02:48 PM - Boston, MA
I'm calling him but he just isn't picking up. #calling

@santiago - Feb 06, 25 02:47 PM - Mexicali, Baja California
Nuestros enemigos no pudieron hacernos nada. #Nuestros

@kathy.6312 - Feb 06, 25 02:46 PM - Calabasas, CA
I have a bachelor of arts degree in marketing. #marketing

@elonmuskparody - Feb 06, 25 02:43 PM - USA
I work a lot! #

@pehosepehopehomitlo - Feb 06, 25 02:43 PM - Petaling Jaya, Selangor
Pahala pahala pahala pahala tematik. #tematik

@marcrider - Feb 06, 25 02:43 PM - Boston, MA
I'm going to stay at home on Saturday and just kick back. #Saturday

@ema - Feb 06, 25 02:43 PM - USA
It's too hot to go out in the middle of the day #hotsummer #

@markwiens - Feb 06, 25 02:43 PM - Seattle, WA
We just boarded our Turkish airline's flight and we are flying to Istanbul this morning about 1.30AM. I'm getting really sleepy, so I hope to sleep right now until we take off. I will hopefully wake #airlines

@sleepinglady - Feb 06, 25 02:42 PM - Nevada City, CA
He definitely has dementia. He can't even remember that he's lost multiple times. #definitely

@jean - Feb 06, 25 02:41 PM - USA
Nous avons un long voyage devant nous. #voyage

@world - Feb 06, 25 02:38 PM - USA
Tom is planning to stay for a few days. #planning

@ellexandra - Feb 06, 25 02:38 PM - Ypsilanti, MI
Anytime I say most women or most men I'm usually wrong. #mostwomen

@world - Feb 06, 25 02:36 PM - USA
We enjoyed playing football. #Minnesocial

@harry - Feb 06, 25 02:34 PM - Calabasas, CA
He runs around the park every morning so he's in pretty good shape. #park

@tech.5755 - Feb 06, 25 02:32 PM - USA
Anyone knows the speed of light? #faq #

@0x0000 - Feb 06, 25 02:31 PM - Agoura Hills, CA
Attending a meeting. #Attending

@lima - Feb 06, 25 02:31 PM - Los Angeles, CA
The search for dark matter is one of the biggest mysteries in physics. #Astrophysics

@kathy.6312 - Feb 06, 25 02:30 PM - Calabasas, CA
Hello. #Hello

@sleepinglady - Feb 06, 25 02:29 PM - Rio Nido, CA
Finally the news is boring again. #Finally

@0x0000 - Feb 06, 25 02:28 PM - Ann Arbor, MI
I got paid. #paid

@lena.4166 - Feb 06, 25 02:28 PM - New York, NY
Taking a walk in the evening, enjoying the cool breeze. #

@tim - Feb 06, 25 02:27 PM - Burlington, VT
My car broke down. #brokedown

@0x0000 - Feb 06, 25 02:27 PM - Agoura Hills, CA
Let's take a break. #break

@sleepinglady - Feb 06, 25 02:26 PM - Nevada City, CA
I really need another cuppa coffee. #another

@0x0000 - Feb 06, 25 02:26 PM - Ann Arbor, MI
We went for a hike around the lake. #around

@world - Feb 06, 25 02:25 PM - USA
I'm cleaning my apartment. #cleaning

@leonardo - Feb 06, 25 02:25 PM - Lisbon, Portugal
Tua resposta está errada. #resposta

@marcrider - Feb 06, 25 02:23 PM - Boston, MA
I'm going to takeoff now. #takeoff

@emily.9500 - Feb 06, 25 02:21 PM - Jacksonville, FL
Enjoying a quiet evening at home, reading a book and sipping on tea. #

@pehosepehopehomitlo - Feb 06, 25 02:20 PM - Petaling Jaya, Selangor
81. Laya friend sekolah sejarah I dah Laya yang namanya lelaki apa. #sekolah

@logan.8298 - Feb 06, 25 02:18 PM - Denver, CO
Lost in a good book, the world fades away. #

@emily - Feb 06, 25 02:14 PM - Seattle, WA
He stuck with her through thick and thin. #stuck

@emily - Feb 06, 25 02:13 PM - Seattle, WA
I'm sitting on the fence I really can't choose between these two adorable puppies. #adorable

@tim - Feb 06, 25 02:13 PM - Burlington, VT
I had to stay really late to finish everything. #finisheverything

@mr.6867 - Feb 06, 25 02:12 PM - Detroit, MI
Long skirts are in fashion. #MetGala

@marcrider - Feb 06, 25 02:10 PM - Boston, MA
Sales were slow for that product the first year then it took off. #product

@liz - Feb 06, 25 02:06 PM - Agoura Hills, CA
The weather is cool! #weather

@world - Feb 06, 25 02:05 PM - USA
Good morning! California is reopening. I am throwing all my masks. #TuesdayMotivation

@emily.4047 - Feb 06, 25 02:03 PM - Seattle, WA
Hey, how are you? #Hey

@world - Feb 06, 25 02:03 PM - USA
I'm from a small town not too far from Boston. #Boston

@marcrider - Feb 06, 25 02:02 PM - Boston, MA
I left work and came back home early. #early

@cv - Feb 06, 25 02:02 PM - USA
Time is money so don’t waste time. #money

@liz - Feb 06, 25 02:01 PM - Agoura Hills, CA
Let's talk about it. #Lets

@emily - Feb 06, 25 02:01 PM - Seattle, WA
Team is getting on really well at the moment so let's not rock the boat. #Rocktheboat

@santiago - Feb 06, 25 02:00 PM - Mexicali, Baja California
Esta escuela tiene un buen equipo de fútbol. #escuela

@emily.4047 - Feb 06, 25 02:00 PM - Seattle, WA
Will you help me with this. #help

@lima - Feb 06, 25 02:00 PM - Los Angeles, CA
What are your favorite science documentaries? #ScienceDocs

@twitter.alternative - Feb 06, 25 01:59 PM - Agoura Hills, CA
Hello I'm enjoying tea break. #teabreak

@marcrider - Feb 06, 25 01:58 PM - Boston, MA
I'd like you to come along with me to the opera. #opera

@ellexandra - Feb 06, 25 01:58 PM - Ypsilanti, MI
Keep dreaming. #dreaming

@ru - Feb 06, 25 01:58 PM - USA
Том говорит что никогда не ел земляную грушу. #земляную

@gardentimetv.9042 - Feb 06, 25 01:58 PM - New Brunswick, NJ
So I have to tell you I'm very excited to be here I'm at OSU and I'm with the professor who his name is Bob that's all you'll give me is Bob now Bob part of you a professor of here so I'm a professor of Integrative Biology here at Oregon State University. #integrative

@sleepinglady - Feb 06, 25 01:56 PM - Rio Nido, CA
I didn't know that you were in Berkeley. #Berkeley

@brookbush - Feb 06, 25 01:55 PM - Los Angeles, CA
my parents are divorced that's why somethimes you see a diffferent, sometimes you see this house so we just go back and forth a lot but we love each family equally. #diffferent

@world - Feb 06, 25 01:55 PM - USA
Mr. Jackson was my French teacher when I was in high school. #Jackson

@world - Feb 06, 25 01:52 PM - USA
Are you sleeping? #BachelorInParadise

@tim - Feb 06, 25 01:51 PM - Calabasas, CA
On the way home I missed the last train. #lasttrain

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