Sleeping Lady

@sleepinglady - Feb 06, 25 03:19 PM - Nevada City, CA
I'm going to study this afternoon so I'm ready for tomorrow's meeting. #study

@sleepinglady - Feb 06, 25 02:42 PM - Nevada City, CA
He definitely has dementia. He can't even remember that he's lost multiple times. #definitely

@sleepinglady - Feb 06, 25 02:29 PM - Rio Nido, CA
Finally the news is boring again. #Finally

@sleepinglady - Feb 06, 25 02:26 PM - Nevada City, CA
I really need another cuppa coffee. #another

@sleepinglady - Feb 06, 25 01:56 PM - Rio Nido, CA
I didn't know that you were in Berkeley. #Berkeley

@sleepinglady - Feb 06, 25 01:46 PM - Nevada City, CA
See the divine in everything. #divine

@sleepinglady - Feb 06, 25 11:54 AM - Nevada City, CA
Just sipping on some chicken bone broth and coconut milk. #sipping

@sleepinglady - Feb 06, 25 11:46 AM - Nevada City, CA
Not sure if I should leave today or tomorrow. #tomorrow

@sleepinglady - Feb 06, 25 11:39 AM - Nevada City, CA
Incantation and Voice Medicine are not the same thing. #Incantation

@sleepinglady - Feb 06, 25 10:57 AM - Nevada City, CA
The mad king has totally lost it this time. #totally

@sleepinglady - Feb 06, 25 10:31 AM - Nevada City, CA
The sorcerer and the magician are not the same thing. #sorcerer

@sleepinglady - Feb 06, 25 09:43 AM - Nevada City, CA
The wanna be king would like to take his marbles and go home unfortunately it's not an option. #unfortunately