Obama Parody


@obama - Sep 07, 24 09:25 PM - USA
Completely amazing seen here Rickwood Barry Bonds Ken Griffey Junior and Derek Jeter holding court in front of third-base dugout only in Birmingham. #MLBatRickwood #

@obama - Sep 07, 24 09:02 PM - USA
99 year old bill Grayson former Birmingham blackbear in Saint Louis cardinals, delivers the first pitch #MLBatRickwood #

@obama - Sep 07, 24 08:19 PM - USA
This is the honey ale #beer #

@obama - Sep 07, 24 06:43 PM - USA
“He was larger than life, but bigger than no one. He gave his whole heart to this game, and we gave our love right back.” Tonight's for you, Willie Mays. #MLBatRickwood #