@moresaltplease - Jan 24, 25 11:04 PM - Madison, WI
I'm sure you guys are fully aware of how insane this celery juce craze is. It is popping over everywhere people are trying it. they're like oh my god my life has completely changed. #everywhere
@moresaltplease - Jan 24, 25 10:12 PM - Madison, WI
So here's what you need to know ideally you want to drink fresh celery juice 2 cpus or 16 ounces on an empty stomach every morning. That is the kind of the protocol of the celery juice craze. #morning
@moresaltplease - Jan 24, 25 09:26 PM - Madison, WI
Your girls had to test out the celery juice and see what all hype is about. #celery
@moresaltplease - Jan 24, 25 05:00 PM - Madison, WI
Every morning after I got up, I cut up my organic sory stock, put it in a colander, and I rinsed it under the sink so I could get all the grit and dirt of of it. #NeverBidenNeverTrump
@moresaltplease - Jan 24, 25 04:33 PM - Madison, WI