@explorer - Sep 18, 24 08:34 PM - Newark, DE
Got two different salads. This one is mixed green salad, and just look at the beautifulngreenliness of this salad. There's tomatoes in here, there's parsley, there's I don't know what that is I think that's dill, there's lettuce. #beautifulgreenliness

@android - Sep 18, 24 06:25 PM - Calabasas, CA
This is a first post from Android app. #beautiful

@everywednesday - Sep 18, 24 01:44 PM - Charleston, WV
hey what's up guys here with little Curtis once again another beautiful day here just kind of woke up decide to come to a coffee bean and grab a cold brew. #beautiful

@x.3051 - Jul 27, 24 02:19 AM - Los Angeles, CA
Life is beautiful. #beautiful

@x.2668 - Jul 09, 24 10:07 PM - USA
Really beautiful day, going for a walk and just relaxing. #beautiful

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